
Publication under DBT Biotech- KISAN Project

Publications (Popular Articles)

S.No. Title Total
1 बटेर पालन एक लाभकारी व्यवसाय
(Quail farming a profitable business)
Author - Dr. P. Mooventhan, Dr. Rewendra Kumar Sahu, Manoj Kumar Sahu and Praveen Banvashi
(Article- Ropan, Volume- 12, Issue -August 2021, Page no.- 15 & 16)
2 बकरी पालन एक उत्तम व्यवसाय
(Goat Farming: A remunerative business)
Author - Dr. P. Mooventhan, Dr. Rewendra Kumar Sahu and Dilip Kumar Patle
(Article- Krishi World, Volume- 50, Issue -September 2021, Page no.- 35 & 36)
3 टमाटर में कीट- रोग की रोकथाम
(Insect- disease prevention in tomato)
Author - Dr. P. Mooventhan and Dr. Rewendra Kumar Sahu
(Article- Krishi Jagat, Volume- 50, Issue -August 2021, Page no.- 09)
4 छत्तीसगढ़ में अगेती फूलगोभी की वैज्ञानिक खेती
(Scientific cultivation of early cauliflower in Chhattisgarh)
Author - Dr. P. Mooventhan, Dr. Rewendra Kumar Sahu, Praveen Banwashi and Toran Nisad
(Article- Ropan, Volume- 04, Issue -December 2021, Page no.- 17 & 18)
5 चने की उन्नत खेती एवं उत्पादन तकनीक
(Improved cultivation and production technology of Chickpea)
Author - Dr. P. Mooventhan, Dr. Rewendra Kumar Sahu, and Manoj Kumar Sahu
(Article- Ropan, Volume- 04, Issue -December 2021, Page no.- 23 & 24)

Publications (Folders)

S.No. Title Total
1 बटेर पालन एक लाभकारी व्यवसाय
(Quail farming a profitable business)
Author - Dr. P. Mooventhan, Dr. Rewendra Kumar Sahu, Uttam Singh, Manoj Kumar Sahu and Praveen Banvashi
2 बकरी पालन एक उत्तम व्यवसाय
(Goat Farming: A remunerative business)
Author - Dr. P. Mooventhan, Dr. Rewendra Kumar Sahu, Dr. B. S. Rajput, Gunjan Jha, Uttam Singh, Manoj Kumar and Dilip Patle
3 उद्यानिकी फसलों में मल्चिंग का उपयोग एवं महत्व
(Use and importance of mulching in horticultural crops)
Author - Smt. Gunjan Jha, Dr. B. S. Rajput, Toran lal Nisad and Praveen Banvashi
(KVK, Rajnandgaon, Biotech KISAN Hub Bulletin- 1/2021)
4 उद्यानिकी फसलों में टपक सिंचाई का महत्व
(Importance of drip irrigation in horticultural crops)
Author - Smt. Gunjan Jha, Dr. B. S. Rajput, Toran lal Nisad and Praveen Banvashi
(KVK, Rajnandgaon, Biotech KISAN Hub Bulletin- 2/2021)

Glimpses of Project Activities

S.No. Subject Photographs
1 Harvesting and packaging of bottle gourd
2 Agriculture calendar distribution by KVK, Korba
3 Quail farming unit, KVK Mahasamund
4 Training on Chickpea, KVK korba
5 Demonstration on drip irrigation and mulching, KVK Rajnandgaon
6 Goat rearing, KVK Rajnandgaon