
Demonstration 2021-2022

KVK, Rajnandgaon

S.No. Demonstration Name Date Place No. of Farmers Benefited
1 Demonstration on installation of drip irrigation system 26.03.2021 Kodutola, Sonsaytola, Mangatola, Bhadsena 08
2 Demonstration on plastic mulching for horticulture crop production 02.04.2021 Kodutola, Sonsaytola, Mangatola, Bhadsena 08
3 Demonstration on mulching hole making machine 04.04.2021 Kodutola, Sonsaytola, Mangatola, Bhadsena 08
4 Demonstration on seed treatment with biofertilizers (Azospirilum, Trichoderma and PSB culture) 18.07.2021 Kodutola, Sonsaytola, Mangatola, Bhadsena 43
5 Demonstration of line sowing of rice by seed drill 21.07.2021 Kodutola, Sonsaytola, Mangatola, Bhadsena, Semharbandha 35
6 Demonstration on installation of shed net house 03.07.2021 Kodutola, Sonsaytola, Mangatola 04
7 Demonstration on seed/ seedling treatment with biofertilizers 18-07-2021 Kodutola, Sonsaytola, Mangatola, Bhadsena 50
8 Demonstration on safe handling of weedicide/ herbicides 23-07-2021 Kodutola, Sonsaytola, Mangatola, Bhadsena 47
9 Demonstration on fruit fly catcher for fruit fly control in horticulture crop 10-08-2021 Kodutola, Sonsaytola, Mangatola, Bhadsena 38
10 Demonstration on Paddy (Indira Maheshwari) variety at farmers field 16-08-2021 Kodutola, Sonsaytola, Mangatola, Bhadsena, Semharbandha 25
11 Demonstration on zinco rice (bio- fortified) variety at farmers field 17-08-2021 Sonsaytola, Kodutola 02
12 Demonstration on Paddy (DRR Dhan - 42) variety at farmers field 06-09-2021 Kodutola, Sonsaytola, Mangatola, Bhadsena, Semharbandha 20
13 Demonstration on scientific goat raring (breed - Sirohi) 24-09-2021 Kodutola, Sonsaytola, Mangatola, Bhadsena, Semharbandha 08
14 Demonstration on paddy (MTU-1010) variety at farmers field 12-10-2021 Kodutola, Sonsaytola, Mangatola, Bhadsena, Semharbandha 03
15 Demonstration on capsicum under shed net condition at farmers field 30-11-2021 Kodutola, Sonsaytola, Mangatola, Bhadsena 08
16 Demonstration on chickpea (RVG-202) variety at farmers field 30-11-2021 Kodutola, Sonsaytola, Mangatola, Bhadsena, Semharbandha 40
17 Demonstration on onion (pune fursungi) variety at farmers field 30.11.2021 Kodutola, Sonsaytola, Mangatola, Bhadsena, Semharbandha 20
18 Demonstration on moringa (variety- PKM-1) at farmers field 17.07.2021 Kodutola, Sonsaytola, Mangatola, Bhadsena 08
19 Demonstration on ivy gourd (variety- indira kundru -35) at farmers field 12.08.2021 Kodutola, Sonsaytola, Mangatola, Bhadsena 08
20 Demonstration on turmeric (variety- IISR- Pragati) at farmers field 17.07.2021 Kodutola, Sonsaytola, Mangatola, Bhadsena 08
21 Demonstration on pigeon pea (variety- rajiv lochan) on rice bund 17.07.2021 Kodutola, Sonsaytola, Mangatola, Bhadsena, Semharbandha 50

KVK, Mahasamund

S.No. Demonstration Name Date Place No. of Farmers Benefited
1 Crop demonstration on tomato crop 03/04/2021 Achola 01
2 Demonstration on Low Cost Protected Cultivation of Vegetables distributed Planting Material of Cucumber var Sania at Village - Achola and paraswani 26-06-2021 Achola and paraswani 02
3 Demonstration of mat type nursery by paddy transplanter done in farmers field 14-07-2021 Saradih 01
4 Demonstration of Rajeswari variety with Pseudomonas Fluorescence 26-08-2021 Birkini 5
5 Demonstration of Rajeswari variety with Pseudomonas Fluorescence 26-08-2021 Achola 8
6 Demonstration of Rajeswari variety with Pseudomonas Fluorescence 27-08-2021 Barabspur 5
7 Demonstration of Rajeswari variety with Pseudomonas Fluorescence 27-08-2021 Saradih 5

KVK, Korba

S.No. Demonstration Name Date Place No. of Farmers Benefited
1 Demonstration on line transplanting with SRI marker on paddy 29.7.2021 Jawali 41
2 Demonstration on line transplanting with SRI marker on paddy 05.08.2021 Sonpuri 25
3 Demonstration on bio-insecticide & fungicide in farmers field on paddy 25.09.2021 Ranjana 43
4 Demonstration on application of bio-insecticide & fungicide in farmers field on paddy 29.09.2021 Kasaipali 37
5 Demonstration on application of bio-insecticide & fungicide in farmers field on paddy 02.10.2021 Sonpuri 30
6 Demonstration on application of bio-insecticide & fungicide in farmers field on paddy 05.10.2021 Jawali 31
7 Demonstration on IPM tools 14/10/2021 KVK,Korba 50
8 Demonstration on seed treating drum 23/07/2021 KVK,Korba 50
9 Demonstration on low lift irrigation pump 23/07/2021 KVK,Korba 50
10 Demonstration on paddy drum seeder 04/01/2022 KVK,Korba 50

Glimpses of Demonstrations

S.No. Subject Photographs
1 Training cum demonstration on spraying of insecticides by drone
2 Training cum demonstration on foldscope microscope
3 Demonstration on low-cost protected cultivation of vegetable crops
4 Demonstration on Line transplanting on Paddy at farmer field
5 Demonstration on scientific goat raring (Sirohi breed)
6 Demonstration on scientific nursery raising