Cluster of Villages

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Korba

SI.No Village Name Distance from KVK Justification for the selection of village
1 Ranjana 15 km
  • 1. Most of the farmers in these villages are very active and interested in the agriculture field but they are adopting traditional method of agricultural practices thus awareness and extension about agriculture practices will necessary in these villages.
  • 2. Many farmers in these villages are literate and very active to learn about new emerging technology in the agriculture sector and their source of income for livelihood depends on agriculture sector.
  • 3. Farmers of these villages are interested to getting more knowledge about advance agricultural practices, horticultural practices and farm mechanization. Farmers of this village are very active and hard worker for their livelihood activity. Due to lack of technical knowledge about use of agricultural implement in the farm operations, we need to demonstrate advance agriculture technologyand extension activity in his village.
2 Jawali 10 km
3 Kasaipali 13 km
4 Bhanwar 18 km
5 Sonpuri 15 km